
C◦mp◦se :: Melbourne

I helped run the C◦mp◦se :: Melbourne functional programming conference in its four-year run from 2016-2019, with Lyndon Maydwell, Noon Silk, Les Kitchen, Andy Kitchen, Javier Candeira, Sasha Boyd, Sharon Holliday, Tushar Pokle, Sarah Oakes, Gala Camacho Ferrari and Bernie Pope.

Our aim was to make a friendly, laid-back community conference with talks, workshops and freewheeling "unconference" sessions, accessible to beginners and aficionados alike from all kinds of backgrounds. We had significant assistance from the New York Compose::Conference, who lent us their brand and website, YOW Australia and Dave Thomas for advice and infrastructure, and RMIT University, who provided the venue.

C◦mp◦se :: Melbourne had 150-250 people in each year from all over Australia, and fantastic local and international speakers and talks. We had a great time, made lots of friends, learnt a lot and got really really burnt out.

Please enjoy the talk videos!